Are these Pictures Valid?

View Park


Car Lights

Mystery Lights 1

mystery light near View Park

Mystery Lights 2

Roofus mission ended

Camera removed

Snoopy mission ended

Cameras removed

Owlbert mission ended

Cameras removed





Who Am I ?







Research of this fascinating natural phenomenon continues:


All images are copyright protected




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Text Box: I am James Bunnell, retired aerospace engineer.   In November 2000 my wife and I experienced a spectacular sighting of mystery lights where the state view park is now located.   Intrigued I searched the local library and nearby university for some reasonable explanation but none could be found.  So I began researching the phenomena myself and have since written three books on the subject, Seeing Marfa Lights  and Night Orbs and (soon to be released) Hunting Marfa Lights. 
All the pictures in this website and in my books were taken with tripod-mounted cameras.